
Instructors and Training Consultants

We are highly interested to benefit from your strong academic and professional experience and to cooperation with us to present some of our short training courses (3 to 5 Days) related to your area of specialization in the GCC.

If you have the following qualifications:

  • B.Sc. or M.Sc. or PhD certificate
  • Accredited certificates from any of global organization in your field
  • Practical work experience of 10+ years in a your field of experience
  • You have the ability in dealing with the presentation technologies
  • Presentation skills along with training experience
  • Fluent speaker in English and Arabic
  • Previous experience in presenting training in your field of experience

Please forward the following documents to [email protected]

  1. Your updated CV
  2. Scanned color copy of your valid passport
  3. Scanned color copy of your graduation and qualification certificates
  4. Your availability in general throughout the year. (Please note that we will ask for your approval on the course title and date before nominating your name to our clients)
  5. List of training course titles you are interested to present which you have the training material and presentation ready with you taking into consideration that the courses you select could be conducted on In-House basis to our clients (after obtaining your approval on the course date)